MicrophonesWell, here we are! 2011! So hard to believe how quickly this past year flew by. As I look back at all the blessing in my life, I'm always brought down to earth in a hurry. It's easy to sometimes get so busy and not realize all the amazing ways God is blessing us. My life has changed so much in the last few years. I feel like I've been hit with life right in the face! Good and bad! This age I am in can be tough in so many ways, but extremely rewarding and exciting. More responsibilities. More worries along the way at times. More searching and LOTS of praying to make the best decisions possible. BUT, with it comes true independence, which can be a very inspiring thing in itself. As most of you already know, I've spent the past year and a half mostly in Boston going to Berklee College of Music. It's been amazing. I've made so many friends and what seemed like a somewhat last minute and scary move to make in Sept. of '09 has proven to be a decision I don't at all regret. This month, I'll be going into my fourth and final semester there. I'll be graduating in May with a special Artist Diploma in Performance. I will certainly miss Boston, but I'm also looking forward to getting on with the next chapter in my life. I'm excited to be making plans to move to Nashville in May as well, something I've been dreaming of doing since I was a little girl. It will also be very nice to be back home in beautiful Tennessee as well, and closer to my family.

I'm very anxious and excited about this year for so many reasons. One big reason, is having a new album coming out. Daybreak will be released on March 8th! The band and I just spent the last 3 days in Nashville rehearsing the new material. It's very refreshing to have new songs and ideas after playing off of mostly one album for the past couple of years. I can't wait to get back on the road with those guys. I feel like we are really starting to gel as a band, but we still have SO much to work on. I couldn't ask for better friends or musicians to work with. We will play our first 2011 tour date on Jan. 22 at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. which we are all looking forward to!

Well folks, more news and updates to come soon. I just wanted to share a few thoughts and wish everyone a blessed new year! Can't wait to see you guys out on the trail somewhere soon!

All the Best, Sierra